Welcome to the Find Fit Love Personality Profile Analyses. Please take your time to complete each question carefully. We'll be using these results along with your matchmaking profile to pair you up with the perfect match.
There's no 'right' or 'wrong' answer, just your honesty.
This personality profile analyses has a total of 120 questions and generally takes an average of 30-60 minutes to complete.
Please insert your name and email below to get started. Once completed, you'll receive an email with a personal results link for your future reference.
Maintain a sense of order in my life
Find it easy to laugh and enjoy myself
Enjoy contemplating and exploring abstract ideas
Open to new ways of doing things
Patient and forgive easily
Lack motivation and need others to motivate me
Fair and just when interacting with others
Procrastinate on tasks or projects
Resit temptations and delay gratification
Tend to be in tune with my own emotions and the emotions of others
Follow through on plans and commitments
Easily take initiative and be proactive in achieving my goals
Feel like I'm not competent or good enough
Tend to be deeply affected by the emotional tone of a situation
Love to explore uncharted territory
Open to change and adaptable in new environments
Love large parties and gatherings
Fascinated by art, music and other forms of creativity
Feel energised by being around other people
Tend to have a lot of ideas and projects going on at once
Enjoy exploring new places and cultures
Able to understand and appreciate different perspectives
Flexible and open to different ideas
People often find it easy to confide in me
Easily upset by the things that happen to me
Tend to be open and sociable with others
Described by others as a good friend and can be relied on for support
Difficulty falling asleep because of my thoughts
Take a long time before making up my mind about something
Willing to compromise for the sake of maintaining a positive relationship
Others describe me as being a good listener and a good communicator
Love to seek out new and different information
Make bold moves and take risks
Constantly striving to improve myself
Feel self-conscious or embarrassed to express myself in front of other people
Excited by new challenges and opportunities
Curious and enjoy learning new things
Take on responsibilities and follow through on them
Like to take charge of situations
Loyal and dedicates myself to others
Forgets to put things back in their proper place
Very careful before making commitments
Good listener and try to help others when they need it
Find it hard to control my cravings and desires
Tend to be lighthearted and take things in stride
Find it hard to unwind after a long day and would rather keep busy
Thrive in fast-paced and dynamic environments
Tend to be in a good mood and have a positive energy
Use others for my own needs
Always put others needs before my own
Not successful or accomplished
Diligent and pay close attention to details
Adventurous and enjoy taking on new challenges
Always looking for new and creative solutions
Question assumptions and challenge norms
Have a hard time relaxing and prefer to be active and engaged
Plan ahead and anticipate potential problems
Balance competing priorities and meet deadlines
Honest and truthful to others
Experience my emotions intensely
Often trust people until they give me a reason not to
Open-minded and non-judgmental
People are given the benefit of the doubt when they make mistakes
Drawn to new and exciting activities
Believe in the importance of art
Am a fast-paced person and enjoy fast-paced environments
Drawn to complexity and nuance
Sensitive to the needs of others
Feel guilty when deadlines are not met
Comfortable being the center of attention
Drawn to spontaneous activity
Not in control of my life
Able to resolve conflicts in a peaceful and constructive way
Feel guilty about things I have done or not done
Not in control of my thoughts or emotions
Tend to make impulsive decisions without thinking things through
Tend to doubt myself and my abilities
Comfortable with ambiguity and uncertainty
It is important to make decisions that benefit me before considering the impact it has on others
Feel that things are going wrong more than other people
There is a clear distinction between right and wrong
Focus and persevere through difficult tasks
Have an optimistic outlook at life and don't feel sad or depressed
Control my impulses and think before acting
Feel overwhelmed or out of control
Have an active imagination
Feel guilty if my resposnsibilites are not met
Find it hard to resist temptation and control my impulses
Tend to be easily overwhelmed by stressful situations or events
Hard time sticking to my goals and plans because I get easily distracted by immediate temptations
Feel hopeless and helpless
Feel insecure and uncertain
Compromise and works well with others
Feel not respected or taken seriously
Easily empathise and understand others emotions
Not afraid to think differently and challenge my own biases
Introspective and self-aware of my thoughts and actions
Peacemaking skills are high
Find it easy to connect with people emotionally
Take initiative and be proactive
Often worry about things that may or may not happen in the future
Cooperative and supportive person
Trust my instincts first when it comes to assessing the trustworthiness of others
Complete tasks successfully and on time
Talkative and enjoy making conversation
Easily approach strangers
Comfortable taking risks and speaking my mind
Confident in my ability to entertain and engage others
Often described by others as unconventional or non-traditional
Empathetic person and able to put myself in others' shoes
Feel easily irritated or frustrated
Have trouble finding pleasure or joy in things that I used to enjoy